Re: [CH] Moderate Corps Sceptre and Crest

Ted Wagner (
Sat, 4 Jul 2009 17:44:53 -0700 (PDT)

As much as I like the heat... I'd buy a shirt or two!  I just love peppers.

My sister-in-law bought some pickled peppers and bought them to our 4th of July cookout.  We didn't save the label (darn it).  But, everyone at them.  They were small peppers, about half the size of a small hab.  They had a very small bite to them, but they were pickled... almost tasted like bread and butter pickles, but they were peppers.  The label was french I think.  She said she got them in the international aisle at Meijer grocery store.

 Boy were they tasty

Speaking of which.  I found a good tasty combo today.  Jalapenos and watermelon!  I had dropped my fresh sliced jalapenos into my watermelon chunks.  Didn't know I had... was talking and stabbed a chunk of melon with my fork, and had the slice of jalapeno (one picked fresh from one of my pots in the back yard) and began to chomp on it.  Oh wow, that was sooooooo good!


----- Original Message ----
> From: Sandy Olson <>
> To: ChileHeads <>
> Sent: Saturday, July 4, 2009 4:48:37 PM
> Subject: [CH] Moderate Corps Sceptre and Crest
> Hmmm, this gets me to thinking and that's usually dangerous!  We need a Moderate 
> Corps crest or seal to adorn our letterhead, t-shirts, bumper stickers and the 
> like.  Then, the seal could be cast in some precious metal to top the sceptre.  
> Now, I can hardly draw a decent circle so it will fall to those in the Corps who 
> have been given artistic talent of some sort to design these items.  Let's 
> about a huge jal, the king of moderate peppers?
> Maybe we can really get those t-shirts made after all ;^)
> SandyO
> CH #1146 of the Moderate Persuasion and Grand Pooh Bear of the Moderate Corps 
> who is currently crestless...or is that crustless?