[CH] texture, flavor, color and warmth

Tom Greaves (tomg@airmail.net)
Mon, 6 Jul 2009 09:23:36 -0500

SandyO wrote  <It is bliss to bite into a piece of chile that has texture, 
flavor, color and warmth that ties it all together. >

That immediately brought to my mind the Rocoto pepper.  They are like a big 
juicy hab.  They are worth looking for.  They are yellow, round, and about 
3" in diameter.  Unlike habs, they are thick walled like a bell pepper and 
squirt juices when you bite into it (so keep your eyes closed unless you 
like Hunan eye).  They are also call Manzano (spelling?) which is Spanish 
for apple.  I made a special trip to my favorite Mexican mart last week just 
to get some.  They didn't have any then, but had some giant jalapenos for my 
new roaster.
