[CH] The Moderate Corps

Sandy Olson (sandyo@myclearwave.net)
Fri, 10 Jul 2009 11:12:47 -0500

<I'm a recent member.  Would the Grand Poobah (or Bear) please give me the 
requirements and duties of membership as well as the procedure for 
soliciting membership in this exalted organization? >

Well, Rick....our small but dedicated band of moderately-persuaded folk are 
well ensconced in the vast family of this list.  We are those who love our 
chiles dearly, like them to provide the kick they are known for but don't 
like to be kicked so badly that we drop to the floor, wet our pants, roll 
around clutching our throats or similar exercises in pain management.  The 
word "pain" is used in this instance to describe what we moderates like to 
control.  It is not to defame our fire-eating cousins or to imply that they 
are somehow masochists.  Chile-heads come in all sizes, ages, ethnicities 
and tolerance levels.  It's a fact that among the Moderate Corps we have 
people with quite a large tolerance for heat (or pain if you will) but 
nevertheless, we welcome them into the Ranks and ask them to choose their 
station, rank, commission or whatever they want as the Pooh Bear is a happy, 
chubby Italian woman who loves most people.

All that being said (and in a properly verbose manner as befits my ilk) you 
are most welcome to enlist.  Simply decide if you fit the description and, 
if so, let us know what rank and uniform you would like to be associated 
with.  We are planning to march in a parade 
someday...somewhere...somehow...if we can just decide on a T-shirt design 

CH #1146 and defender of moderation (but not in ALL things!)