Re: [CH] Repeating repeating posts posts

Jim Graham (
Wed, 15 Jul 2009 16:56:43 -0500

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 04:40:57PM -0400, =Mark wrote:
> Thing is, if you don't hit "Reply all" the reply does not go to the
> list.

Personally, I prefer to use 'L'ist reply, which sends the reply to the
list, if it sees the list in the headers.  YMMV depending on the
capabilities of your e-mail program.

Oh, and as far as the dupes go...procmail (or, if you're using Windows,
whatever M$ supplies as an equivalent to procmail) can take care of that
problem, but be careful, or you'll kill everything from the list, too....


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         out, you didn't want to know anyway...      --Larry Wall