[CH] Sweet Potatoes with Chipotle

Terry Pogue (tpogue@comcast.net)
Fri, 30 Oct 2009 23:26:50 -0400

This is the recipe I've been making for the past few years at  
Thanksgiving. My friend Colleen also does it for her family. Each year  
she makes one dish on feast days that is totally new. At the end of  
the meal asks the family to vote on the best dish that Thanksgiving.  
This sweet potato dish won hands down. Even over turkey. Can you  
believe it!!!

Sweet Potatoes - Serves 4
Recipe By: Colleen
Published in: Cuisine At Home

	1	lbs	sweet potatoes
	1	teaspoon	adobo sauce
	1	tablespoon	butter
	1/2		chipotle chile -- minced
	2	teaspoon	maple syrup
	1/4	cup	milk -- warmed

Pierce the sweet potatoes and microwave until tender. While still warm  
scoop the flesh out into the stand mixer bowl.
Add adobo sauce and 1/2  a chopped chipotle
about the same amount of maple syrup as the adobo sauce
some butter and some heated milk.

Whipped it up using the paddle. Zounds is it good. Not sweet but the   
combo of chipotle and sweet potato is fabulous.

Recipe Notes
Remember that dish we did which was a sort of scalloped sweet potato   
drizzled with adobo? That was a dish from Bobby Flay.  It was good but  
this is much much better.

Exported from A Cook's Books -- Recipe management for Macintosh


"My idea of pure heaven is to spend a day in the kitchen, peeling,  
chopping, and stirring while the words of a good book fill the air  
around me." Ruth Reichl