[CH] Bhut Jalokia???

Byron (byronbromley@tellink.net)
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 17:45:17 -0500


I  am  confused.  The  U.K.  article said  that  they were hybrids,  
Last  I  knew  they were OP

The  U.K. Article  said  they  were  going  to  grind  the seeds??  Are  
they different  than  most  chilies??

I  have fermented  Red  Savina   and  Choc.Habs.  These  seeds  were  
NOT  hot after  you  washed  off the placenta.  ??

Albeit,  with the heat,  you  probably  could  make  it.

Did Nancy Pelosi  and  Harry  Reid  approve  this operation ?  Sounds  
more  brutal  than  waterboarding