Re: [CH] Planting Time - Finally

Hobby Farmer (
Wed, 12 May 2010 10:34:32 -0400

jjk wrote:
> It finally warmed up enough to plant chiles here in NE KS.  I have 48 in 
> the ground (in new raised beds) and only about 60 more to go!  Anyone 
> else growing their own this year?

We don't plant chiles until the first week of June - our average 
frost-free date is May 30.

Here is what is in the greenhouse so far:

150 Poblano
150 Big Jim
150 Jalapeno
150 Chocolate Habanero
100 Cherry Bomb - we smoke these for a great chipotle
100 Giant Cayenne
  75 Chimayo
  50 Habanero
  50 Red Savina Habanero
  50 Chocolate Cherry Bomb
  50 Caribbean Red
  50 Cayenne
  25 Peach Habanero
  25 Bulgarian Carrot
  25 Serrano Del Sol
  25 Serrano
  25 Tam Jalapeno
  25 Hungarian Hot Wax
4 to 12 each: Datil, White Bullet Habanero, Arivivi
Gusano, Red Rocoto, Yellow Rocoto, Orange Rocoto, Chocolate Fatalii, Red 
Fatalii, Yellow Fatalii, Trinidad Scorpian-7 Pot Cross, Brown Congo, 
Black Congo, Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, Yellow Trinidad 
Scorpian Cardi, Orange 7 Pot SR, Brown Trinidad Dougla, Chocolate 'Big 
Bang' Naga Jolokia, Trinidad Scorpian, Yellow 7  pOT, Chris' 7 Pot, True 
Jamacian Scotch Bonnet, Jamacian Red Hot, Purple Ecudorian, Orange 
Chiletepin, Pequin, Pulla, Numex Sunrise, Red Peter, Orange Peter, 
Pasilla Bajio, Mariachi, Fooled you Jalapeno, Lemon Drop, Purple tiger, 
Marbles, Bolivian Rainbow, African Fish, Texas Black, Brown Anaheim, 
Yellow Squash, Aji Nortino, Purira, Mulato Costeno, De Arbol, Purple 
Cayenne, Golden Cayenne, Orange Thai, Red Bishops Crown, Poinsettia, 
Hungarian Paprika, Orange Anaheim, Mexibell, Aji Amarillo, Tabago 
Seasoning, Vietnam Dragon, Zavory, Peperoncino, Red Tabasco, Yellow 
Tabasco, Filus Blue, and a few I don't know the names of.

Now, I only have room in the garden for about 1100 chiles, so I will 
sell/give away quite a few plants, and a few will end up in the house in 
pots.  We make pepper powders, sauces and other fiery foods to sell at 
our Farm Market booth along with fresh chiles and plants.

Hobby Farmer