Re: [CH] Chile-head Martinis

Helen Gillis (
Tue, 24 Aug 2010 14:49:29 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Jose -
I've been known to make a vodka martini w/ vodka that has a few habs floating about in it.
Shake w/ some vermouth, squeeze of lime & a splash of good ol' Tabasco...
not too shabby.
Enjoy - Helen

-----Original Message-----
>From: Jose Cisneros <>
>Sent: Aug 24, 2010 2:33 PM
>To: Chile-Heads <>
>Subject: [CH] Chile-head Martinis
>Hey Chileheads,
>Somewhat by accident I added several olives
>that had been spiced up with hot peppers and
>other spices to a gin and dry vermouth martini.
>(Yes I did shake it in a bit of stooper markup ice)
>(And I did add a sprinkle of sugar, cause I'm too cheap
>to buy two sorts of vermouth.)
>So sue me.... :-)
>Any Whey.... Yowie..! Yowie....!  Yowie..!
>It was tasty. Subtle but in your face.
>Is there any one else on the list that adds serious pepper
>to their mixed drinks?
>CQ the list.