Re: [CH] looking for suggestions for wing sauce (habanero)

Jim Graham (
Tue, 14 Sep 2010 22:29:09 -0500

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 08:02:56PM -0700, Doug Irvine wrote:
>  On 10-09-14 6:55 PM, Jim Graham wrote:

> Hello Jim....


> here is one I have used which I concocted. It was 
> absolutely great, I used it for baby back ribs, which I marinated in the 
> fridge overnight. With a rub.
> 1/2     cup brown sugar, I used Splenda brown sugar blend
> 2    tablespoons paprika, I used smoked Spanish

I'll be doing good just to get generic paprika.  I've never seen any
other variety.

> 1/2 tsp salt
> 1    tsp freshly ground black pepper
> 1/2 tsp garlic crystals
> 1/2 tsp onion powder
> 1    tsp chile powder, your choice

Is this the only heat?  I was going to use habaneros (or, if, and I'm
fairly certain this is the case, IF I actually did use up the last of
my habaneros from the massive 2008 crop---must plant next April, but
if the stores are out) or my habanero hot sauce (which is thick with
habanero that's been chopped up, with the sauce, with one of those
hand-held mixed-drink type "blenders").  I need that habanero flavor
and heat....  Having my habanero sauce with breakfast (almost) every
morning just isn't enough...I need habanero hot wings!  :-)

> Mix this all together and add 1/2 cup catsup/ketchup/how ever you call 
> it! :-)

The Heinz product, which is all I've ever had since, well, ever, says
ketchup.  I've never understood what, if anything, is the difference.
I'm guessing that there is one, but what it is, I haven't the foggiest.

> Slather this all over your  wings before you grill 'em

Ohhh, yeah, and after, too.  :-)   Of course, with habaneros in the
smoker, my neighbors aren't going to like me very much....  I should
really find myself a chem warfare suit.[1]  :-)


[1] I've heard a local story about someone doing something similar.  He
    was in his back yard, making something with dried habaneros outside
    (fiery habanero dust, I think), and, without really thinking much
    about it, wore a chem suit with filter mask to protect himself from
    the dust (been there, done that---when you grind up dried habanero
    to make a dust, like the one I used to make, it goes EVERYWHERE).
    Anyways, one of this guy's neighbors saw him and called the cops.
    You can imagine where it went from there....

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