[CH] Tex/Mex/Asian Dipping Sauce

Jose Cisneros (jccisn@gmail.com)
Wed, 2 Mar 2011 17:41:54 -0500

This is good with pork, beef, chicken, turtle...buffalo...
space alien...veggies...mushrooms.. etc.

Grind five or six dried Puya peppers to a powder
( I include the seeds, 'cause I'm that kind of guy.)
1/4 cup boiling hot water.
Large DASH of fish sauce
Clove of minced garlic.
Sometimes a bit of vinegar or lime juice
Allow to steep for a bit.
This will crank whatever you're
eating up a bit.
It will work with any dried pepper you have on hand.
Check it out...
It's like easy pleasy hot sauce made to order.
