[CH] Open Fields

Jose Cisneros (jccisn@gmail.com)
Sun, 10 Apr 2011 15:18:10 -0400

Hey Jim,

Right from the start on seeing pictures of the first Open field events
way back when, I had the feeling that this thing that you had put together
was the equivalent of a Chile-head Woodstock.
I wanted to be there after seeing a few pictures.
I thought that people that attended would long remember being there.
I do...
I was lucky to be there, a couple of times.
It wasn't the free peppers, though I for one was happy to be picking
so many different peppers at so nice a price that you were so kind
to plant and nurture for the likes of us that were just joiners at the party.
It was the celebration.
And a sweet celebration it always was.
