Re: [CH] Wide-Open Chile Discussion

Hobby Farmer (
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 10:03:10 -0400

On 4/21/2011 1:38 AM, jjk wrote:

> What are you growing?
filus blue, peperoncino, super chile hybrid, neumex sunrise, red peter, 
orange peter, serrano del sol, serrano, marbles, lemon drop, african 
fish, texas black, purple cayenne, golden cayenne, red cayenne, giant 
cayenne, arivivi gusano, pulla, mariachi, poinsettia, medusa, pasilla 
bajio, jalapeno, poblano, bulgarian carrot, cherry bomb, chocolate 
cherry bomb, golden cherry bomb, chocolate habanero, orange habanero, 
peach habanero, thai, hungarian paprika, bhut jolokia, de arbol, purple 
tiger, yellow squash, aji nortino, aji amarillo, red tabasco, yellow 
tabasco, purira, red rocoto, orange rocoto, yellow rocoto, giant orange 
rocoto, chocolate big bang naga, indian pci, jamacian red hot, yellow 
scorpian cardi, yellow 7-pot, chocolate bhut jolokia, trinidad 
scorpian/7-pot cross, caribbean red, ischia pequin, chiletepin, gonzo 
scotch bonnet, yellow fatalii, chocolate fatalii, red fatalii, brown 
congo, black congo, red savina, 7-pot, trinidad scorpian, trinidad 
scorpian butch t, tam jalapeno, big jim, brown anaheim, chimayo and a 
yellow pepper that volunteered from some potting soil a few years ago. 
I will add a few interesting ones from the Chile Woman soon. I plant as 
few as 4-6 of a variety to as many as 200 of others.  Did I mention we 
have a large garden?
> What pods do you intend to have/share at the end of the year?
Any of the above.  We usually frost out in late September.
> Will you attend open fields?
Planning on it.  Thanks, Jim!
> What is the best alcohol to drink at open fields?
Makers Mark with just a touch of habanero and anything Gordy brings.

Hobby Farmer