[CH] Lemon Turkey

Jose Cisneros (jccisn@gmail.com)
Sun, 19 Jun 2011 16:58:26 -0400

Hey Y'all,
Que pasa?
Como estas?

I've been scarfing roasted turkey thighs of late as sub and or
upgrade to chicken.
And in keeping with the poultry theme I've been using
lemon slices and cloves of garlic along with whatever
spice mix I happen to feel like using.
Plus a little vinegar and olive oil, salt and pepper etc.
After burning the garlic and lemons slices several times during the roasting
process I came up with the bright idea to slice the lemon at least an
eighth to a quarter of an inch thick and layer them under the turkey thighs
in the roasting pan.
Skin side down. The turkey that is.
Adding the garlic to the spaces between the pieces of meat.
This works!
The turkey absorbs the aromatics of the lemon and garlic
and the garlic and lemon slices remain eatable.
The lemon slices are beauteous done this way. Tender and tangy,
Unctuous with turkey fat, caramelized but not burnt.
There might be the making for a good sauce in the bottom of the pan but I
haven't try making it yet.
So, as a result of this tiny epiphany I've been making some hell on wheels
turkey/spicy onion nan wraps with roasted garlic/roasted caramelized lemon,
cilantro/mayo/mustard...Crunchy salt and pepper.... Roasted garlic paste.
And a squirt of Sriracha hot sauce.
And a bit of salad mix....
A Moroccan/Indian/Turkey Taco.


Hmmm... remind me to add some cinnamon next time.