[CH] Just Venting

The Adair's (adair@onyx.digisys.net)
Wed, 9 Jun 1999 16:55:56 -0700

Hello fellow Chile-Heads,

While you Eastern types swelter in the heat the weather gods are 
not smiling on old Timmy in Montana.  The forcast tonight is for 
record low temps at or below freezing.  Third day in a row.  The 
first time caught me by surprise and I lost 4 tomato plants.  I've 
managed to get everything covered up the last two nights and will 
do so again tonight.  Praise El Grande I've got all my precious 
pepper babies in Wall O Waters and they haven't suffered any 
damage from the weather.... though some mini Paul Bunyonesque 
pepper ghoulie has lopped off three of my hab plants about a half 
inch above ground level.  Nice and clean too.  I checked them last 
night before I went to bed and this morning there they were, 
deader than last weeks news.  No sign of bugs, rot or critters of 
any type visible, and remember these were inside Wall O Waters. 
Any of you old time pod-heads ever seen anything like this?

Tim Adair
Perplexed and abused in Kalispell