Re: [CH] Corned beef

Dave Hendricks (
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 06:30:02 -0400

> Barbequed Corned Beef...that's the kind of thing that could kick off
> an entire restaurant chain! :)
> ===
> - -DrJ-
> Helotes, Texas

> > Any one have a good recipe for making corned beef?

Actually, I have put corned beef in the smoker. In the Northeast it 
is difficult to get a brisket (my son gets whole briskets for like .79 
lb in Houston) and around St Patty's Day I see loads of Corned 
Beef Briskets on sale.After the holiday this year, I saw some at my 
local Giant food store for 1/2 price and bought a few to toss in the 
freezer. Before I smoked one, I soaked it in several changes of 
water to remove some of the spices and punched holes in it to 
poke pieces of chile and garlic in it. I smoked it (don't recall how 
long) and ate it that way. Not like Texas Brisket, but the best I can 
do with what I got.

Got to make this more chile related: My hot chiles from Cross 
Country are doing great. The Limon pepper has loads of pods and 
they look like Lemon Drops.  Arledge, Charleston Hots, Christmas 
and Bulgarian Carrots are loaded too. Only one without pods is the 
Habenero but it has loads of buds. My anchos/poblanos are not 
doing as well. Funny thing, all my container plants are real good 
with the ones in the ground being further behind.

Dave Hendricks
Boomerangs, Beer, Bar-B-Que, Any Questions?