[CH] TV Dinners on TV Food Network

RST G (synapse7@home.com)
Mon, 12 Jul 1999 14:59:35 -0400

Did anyone see the chile-related show the other afternoon? TV Dinners is
a show from England. The host goes to different peoples homes and eats
their dinners and talks to them about whatever is the subject, the other
day it was chiles. It was about these 2 guys who own a team of some type
that are called the "Chile Peppers" and their love started early on when
they were kids. They grow them, read about them, live chiles (sounds
familiar). Anyway, this is the meal they made for their wives
(anniversary dinner):

Pineapple-Habanero Salsa
Spicy Guacamole
Homemade mole sauce that they put over chicken (or something)
Dessert: Chile & Lime Sorbet 

No recipes on the website but everything looked great. The wives were
curious as to what the weird flavor was in the sorbet - of course it was
chiles of some type.

They keep repeating the show. Try to catch it. It was a 15 minute
segment in a 1/2 hour show.
