[CH] Side dishes???

Firehouse (firehouse@kissalive.com)
Sat, 24 Jul 1999 17:53:35 -0700

Anyone have some good side dishes to compliment hot foods. For example
tonight I'm having a THICK ribeye steak crusted in my Special Ancho Chile
Powder Mix and Shrimp basted with Jim's Fiery Habenero Sauce (I'm getting
used to it I'd say!) all done on the BBQ of course.

I'm always curious for good side dishes, tonight I'm going to have a black
bean/corn medley I make that kills! Anyone else?????

Another thing I'm learning is wine doesn't go good with these foods, I have
a hard time turning in my wine glass for a beer stein!

   Dave Toussaint - Firehouse #84
    On the tail of the ANCHO RAT!