[CH] Have anyone tried this?

Daniel Isaza (drisaza@epm.net.co)
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 17:52:45 -0500

Hi, I've found the dollowing procedure for isolation of the pure capsaicin:

15 Habanero peppers
1 quart 200 proof Ethanol


In a blender puree the habs in as much alcohol as possible. Let the mixture
sit overnight at roomtemp. Pour the sludge through paper towels and catch in
a sauce pan. Begin to boil the solution slowly with out a lid and continue
until 90% of the liquid has evaporated. Remove the pot from the stove and
cool. Look for a brick red oil floating on the surface of the alcohol. If
none is present, continue to boil the alcohol away periodically cooling the
mixture to look for the red oil on the surface. Once the red oil appears,
use an eye dropper to suck off the oil and place it in a clean vial. The red
oil is fairly pure capsaicin. Probably 40% capsaicin/60% capsaicinoids.
None-the-less, it's really hot!

Have anyone tried this? How hot is the resulting red oil?
ICQ# 42897290