Re: [CH] antidotes?

Firehouse (
Mon, 30 Aug 1999 21:53:55 -0700

> Well, just go at it easy, chomp on half a raw one at a time, and then
> eat ice cream...who was it a coupla years ago was filling them with ice
> cream and sticking them back in the freezer? Seem to recall, that was
> quite a thread for awhile.Try it Dave, you might like it! You aint gonna
> throw out Jim's Backdraft? That is sacriledge!Cheers, Doug in BC

No I love it, just wanted a antidote for it, the poor guys at work have
suffered enough as i did tonight when i over did it. I love the fruitiness
of the habs, I can't wait for my next batch of Jim's Fiery Hab Sauce to
