[CH] Open fields (free chiles!)

Jim Campbell (jim@wildpepper.com)
Thu, 02 Sep 1999 23:57:51 +0000

Doing some thinking here- always a dangerous thing but I can't seem to
help it....

Last year, after the first frost marked the end of my chiles, I threw
open the fields to anyone/everyone who wanted to come and help
themselves before the stuff went bad.  Had about a half-dozen from the
list show up & a good time was had by all.  The only problem was the
short and variable notice that was given due to not knowing exactly when
that frost date was going to hit.

I've decided that this year I am going to pick a date well in advance of
the frost so that I can actually allow people to plan in advance for the

On October 2 & 3 (Sat & Sun) I will throw open my fields to anyone who
feels the urge, or has the need, to pick all the chiles they want.  You
can even run nekkid through the fields if that is your wont, but please
wait until the rest of us are in bed or gone :-)  The chiles you pick
are intended for your personal use & you are not allowed to show up with
a van full of migrant workers, unless they are your offspring ;-) 
Camping in the fields is an option for those who wish to make a weekend
of it- my wife & I plan to do just that.  Rain date is October 23 & 24,
frost permitting.

No money will be accepted unless you can out wrestle me, food (grill
stuff, chips & things) & drinks (beer, wine, cokes, water) will be
provided by me.  Bribes can be sent to Alex Siljaboris in order to get
him to fire up his grill :-)  

Anyone needing directions and planning to attend can e-mail me off
list.  Questions can be directed to me as well.  Hope to see you all

-Jim C