Re: [CH] Errata: Cream of Jalapeno Soup

Rockin' Randy (
Tue, 21 Sep 1999 07:26:31 -0700 (PDT)

Oh my Deb!

You've dredged up a memory from days of old when I used to be a
knuckle dragger.  This was before I received my intellectual and
aesthetic training in the Fine Arts and the Humanities.  I
wasn't cultured at the time but I also was not dumb!

I figured a way to make a lot of money and never have to work
again.  I would write a jingle for a well known cream company
that would be so ingenious it would create revenue that would
thrust them far above their competitors.  Unfortunately, the
advertising department did not appreciate my vision!  I'd best
alter the name to prevent any possible litigation. Follows:

Curnation Cream is the finest in the land!
It comes to you in a little red can 
No teats to milk, no hay to pitch!
Just poke a hole in that Son-of-Bi ...  

Well, never mind!

Doug, Oh Great One of the North:

Thank you so much for the book "Food-a la Canadienne"! I
consider it a collectors item.  It has many great recipes.  I'll
add heat and send some to the list.  Also, the articles about
T.S. Monk and R.L. Burnside, the Bluesman were the best!  The
story about Burnside chaining his refrigerator shut was
interesting in that another Blues guy did the same thing - I
believe it was Huddie Ledbetter but I'll have to check.  I would
follow the tradition but I have no one to keep out of mine!

On knuckle dragging, I think The Carp should be included in the
Knuckle Draggers Hall of Fame after his exploding scrotum story!

Pouring on the Heat,


--- Deb deForest <> wrote:
> As a creamaholic, if I start, there's no telling where it
> lead... eyeing cows in the field and trying to determine if
I'd > need to tip them over before milking them to make the
cream      come out first.....

> Deb in Houston

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