Re: [CH] Jalapeno/Cranberry relish

Nels Peterson (
Wed, 01 Dec 1999 12:33:26 -0600

We used ripe jalapeno peppers I had in the freezer.  Likely could use
whatever pepper a person likes best.  Son #2 decided it would be really
great without the cranberry, and made a relish with just lemon, lime,
jalapenos, and sugar to taste (about 1/2 cup) last night, interesting flavor
-- maybe a new recipie?

At 09:03 PM 11/30/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Nels Peterson wrote:
>> Tried it, liked it, loved it with a lemon instead of a lime.  No cilantro!

>Nels...  Did you use jalapenos?  Or habs?  Or chipoltes?  Guess this is
>going to be one o'those recipes where you switch the pepper at whim,
>depending upon what you're craving.