[CH] No water!

Wed, 2 Feb 2000 21:56:27 EST

In a message dated 02/02/2000 6:06:27 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
gdonaghey@bitstreet.com writes:

<< The city is discussing a water
 rationing project where no watering of plants is allowed.  THAT would
 force me to dig a water well or something...make the wife and kids shower
 in the pepper patch....Hmmmm.....probably best to discontinue that line
 of thinking.
 Calvin >>

We had one of those here in San Diego a few years ago, and it's dry again 
this year.  Darn it!  I am not letting these people force me to kill my 
plants.  I'll water under cover of darkness behind my six foot fence if I 
have to!

I have become very good at saving water.  During the last drought the mantra 
for the toilet was: "If it's yellow, let it mellow.  If it's brown, flush it 
down."  I also didn't drain the bath tub (baths take less water than 
showers), and used a bucket to scoop out bath water and flush the toilet.  
Unhook the washing machine from the sewer pipe, and divert wash water to 
plants.  Or, if your home water use is measured, do your wash at the 
Laundromat and sneak the water you didn't use to wash clothes out to the 
pepper patch!  Save the water that you run in the sink waiting for the water 
to warm up to water plants with.  Let your car get dirty!  Turn off the water 
while brushing your teeth or shaving, for shaving fill a small amount in the 
sink for rinsing the razor.  For dish washing (not that I ever do this, mind 
you) fill up one side of the sink with clear water to rinse, don't run water. 
 And last, pray for rain.
