Re: [gourds] Gourds Digest V1 #107

Lillian Kepp (
Thu, 12 Feb 98 22:44:28 PST

On Thu, 12 Feb 1998 08:15:34 EST wrote:
>February 11
>I have put it off and put it off, but I finally got around to 
writing to say
>how much I appreciate your taking the time to put together such a 
>Digest.  It is very informative and funny and entertaining.  You do 
>wonderful service for fellow "gourd-ers", and I appreciate your 
efforts.  Keep
>up the wonderful work.  Now, ifyou want to come to the Chicago area 
and help
>me put out gourds, you will be  more than welcome after May 15.
>charles newton


Thanks a lot.  I would love to come to Chicago and help you plant.

But, that's my busy gardening time also.  So if you want to put off 
planting until say, maybe July I can help you.  Of course it won't 
do you any good then, but at least you would have help. :)

And second but, the last time I was in Chicago some jerk (certainly 
not from Chicago!) stole a CB radio from my car parked at the Museum 
of Science and Industry.

Wouldn't the downtown look nice if you could plant gourds in 
containers and grow them up the IC at the loop.  Is it still the
IC that runs on the loop?

Lillian, who still misses looping around in Chicago.