Re: [CH] computer jalapenos

Richard W. Stevens (
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 00:46:53 -0500

Objects irradiated by electromagnetic radiation such as that produced by a
computer monitor (or the sun, light bulbs, microwaves, radar guns, CD
players, etc) do not become radioactive, emitting alpha particles, nucleons,
electrons, or gamma rays.  The energy emitted is many orders of magnitude
too low to sufficiently raise the quantum energy state of the object
irradiated (unless your monitor is powered by a nuclear reactor, of course).

:{ Rich in Va.
Photo Trend Enterprises- A Restaurant Service Company
-----Original Message-----
>Uh... I dunno if I'd want to eat chiles that had sat all night on top of
>a device emitting electromagnetic radiation. I mean I like a good glow
>as much the next CH, but I draw the line at anything potentially