Re: [CH] CH-SF?

David A. Verbil (
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 09:39:50 -0700

On 15 Feb 98 at 13:39, Judy Howle wrote:

> << I don't know if there is any connection between  reading SF
> and  being a
>  spicy food lover, but I grew up eating hot, hot foods,  and I
>  started reading SF in the early 50s. >>
> >There must be a connection.  Chiles and SF are my biggest passions!  
> >peg e.
> No connection here!  I don't like SF.  I read mysteries and
> thrillers mostly.  Working on Total Control at the moment.
Just finished Lawrence Block's "Even the Wicked" - the 
protaganist, Matt Scudder, at one point is having chili while 
dining out with his wife and he adds to it a large side order 
of chopped Scotch Bonnets. Quote: "It must have been hot enough 
to blister paint, but you couldn't have proved it by me." He and 
his wife are also Thai food aficianados ... I love science 
fiction, but definitely enjoy some of the mysteries too.

To take this into a wider bit - during the intermission at 
the last Jethro Tull concert here in Phoenix, I was checking 
out the T-shirts for the tour and noticed a program for sale. 
Having already bought my shirt, I didn't have enough cash to 
purchase it (and it was from a previous tour anyway, I believe). 
Well, I browsed it and found on the pages devoted to Ian 
Anderson a picture of the stuff he keeps in his luggage. Along 
with all the usual stuff was an emergency kit of powdered, 
flaked and whole dried chilies of various sorts and some hot 
sauces that would do any member of this list proud. So, I read 
the accompanying blurb and discovered that Ian does a little 
gardening at home - raises all 5 of the cultivated species of 
Capsicum! Tieing this into an old thread - wonder if his 
capsiasin intake helps inspire his music? 
