Re: [CH] sing-song

Linda Reynolds (
Mon, 2 Mar 1998 15:30:56 -0500 (EST)

>><< YKYARNCHI...yer savings up yer beer can deposits for a downpayment on a
>> Jeep. >>
>>Can we make that a Habanero Hummer?
>I think this might devolve into an entirely different-type thread, if you
>know what I mean and I think you do...

..........O.K., this is kinda on line with what I was told at the Sheriff's
department when I got printed for my pistol permit last week.....they were
harrassing me (in fun) and asked if I had lip gloss on me because they now
required "lip prints" as well on the application.  I said," oh, that whole
Monica Lewinsky thing huh"?

....Do you think that we all have unique lip prints and patterns as well or
have we burned them off entirely?  I kinda wondered even about my
fingerprints from all the pepper cutting and all......

Linda as she scrapeth her knuckles yet again....