[CH] Recipes for MRE's

DN/hotsdesr (hotsdesr@deltanet.com)
Sat, 16 May 1998 06:39:51 -0700

Greetings all!

We're located just down the road from the west coast Marine Base, Camp
Pendleton. I'm going to be looking for recipes to spruce up Meals - Read
to Eat (MRE). These replaced C-Rations or K-Rations as the militaries
method of serving food in the field. I have a source bringing me some
samples soon and we'll be hitting the group up for recipes or thoughts
on ways to improve them. Anyone having previous experience can send the
ideas now, we'll collate and redistribute. We're also going to put
together a small "cook book" for the Marines in the area.
Thanks! Curt

Curt & Susie Snyder			Hot's Desire
3137 Mira Mesa Ave.			Spicy foods and hot sauces
Oceanside, CA 92056			by mail order!

mailto:hotsdesr@deltanet.com            1-800-381-4687