Re: [CH] Cranking up the heat in restaurants!

Jim Bardsley (
Wed, 20 May 1998 17:42:18 -0100

Geez, couldn't you just say "hurt me, beat me, write me bad checks?"

BW, my recipe for grilled chicken wings has made it on to several websites
somehow, but basically I just marinade the wings in pure Crystal sauce with big
pods of crushed garlic, seasme oil (need some oil in there to carry the garlic
taste) slices of fresh lemon, and honey.) I wouldn't call them buffalo wings,
and they won't hurt you ( I suppose you substitute habenero sauce) but they're
quite good.

"When it all comes down, there's just two ways to go:
dyin' fast or living slow. " (Robert Earl Keen)

J&M Daily wrote:

>  Whenever I order chicken wings, I always say the same
> thing: "I want them hot enough for my tongue to blister. I want my lips to
> bleed...I want to smell you coming up the driveway, ok?" :-)
> It may be graphic, but it works!
> -John
> "If a man speaks in the woods, and no woman
>  is around to hear he still wrong?"