[CH] Our sit is up...

Steve (snearman@erols.com)
Fri, 18 Dec 1998 12:32:30 -0500

I know It is the time for seed swapping, planing next year's garden,
sharing germination tips and alike for the US C-Hs (can't hardly wait for
spring and its only the start of winter); but I have not been up to date
with my list reading/posts/responses (forgive my sins O' Chile gods) for a
few weeks Looks like a lot of good post to go through. I have been working
on our first web site! Not complete (do they ever get finished?), but
usable. Learning HTML has be interesting or should I say a little
frustrating. Would like to know if there is any problems with the different
browsers  fellow Chile-Heads are using. If you have a problem please tell
me what browsers you viewing the web on.

Have a lot of recipes, links and pictures still to post, and fix
typos/spelling. Please stop by and tell me (be honest, good or bad) what
you think. What you would like to see added (links, info, whatever).

Uncle Steve's HOT Stuff:
