[CH] Re: The Colonel's Recipes

George Nelson (70431.3065@compuserve.com)
Sun, 17 Jan 1999 15:45:42 -0500

On Jan. 14, 1999 Luke in OZ  said

 "Had a request for some Thai recipes so I thought its about time I asked
where the Colonels recipes were parked ..."

Images of them are parked as individual text files on a 3.5" floppy by my
computer!  The dates on the files taken out of the Digests are from early
1996 through late 1997.  That would mean Digest volumes 3 and 4 would have
the bulk of the recipes, though they seemed to be in earlier Digests to me.
 At any rate, the whole "Thai" subdirectory on the little disk has 100
files and takes about 327 Kbytes, with the bulk of it being contributions
from Colonel Ian F. Khuntilanont-Philpott.

List traffic in Digest 192 indicates *.zip files are available.  That's
good, otherwise, you would have to go to each digest and find them
one-by-one.  I would have been glad to figure some way to send privately
what I had, but it does not appear necessary.

George Nelson