Re: [CH] Why Some Like Hot

Kristofer Blennow (
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 07:25:50 +0100

On 27 Jan 99, Suz wrote:

> Seems as though seasonings kill germs.  Those from hot climates
> (where food spoils faster) use seasonings that pack the most
> "antimicrobial" punch.  Garlic, onion, allspice and oregano kill or
> inhibit growth of all gems while hot PEPPERS, tarragon and cumin
> ELIMINATE most. 

Hmmmm.... it sounds to me like, if not total BS, at least an 
exaggeration. Will investigate with some pros and get back to you all.

> Maybe that's why some of us who use the hot stuff on a regular basis seem
> to be avoiding the flu and colds while our co-workers and  compadrès get
> sick. I haven't been sick since I found habs.  (knocking on wood as I
> type).

I have to admit that I haven't had a cold or flu in years either...  
Well, so much more reason to find out if it is really true.

You wouldn't have the source of the info available, Suz?
