[CH] OT: Chocolate

J. B. Cattley (jbc@mpx.com.au)
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 19:56:07 +1100

I actually have a sinking feeling that I've asked this here before, but if
so, well, I'm asking again.

I'm currently on the lookout for a source of decent unsweetened chocolate.
(In Sydney, but mail order is cool.) They simply do not sell unsweetened
chocolate here at all. You can get 85% cocoa solids, but they just fill up
on sugar to try and mask the <gasp> bitterness...

I actually have a year's supply of mole sauce in the freezer, so that's my
last CH excuse, but as sworn enemies of culinary mediocrity, I beg your aid.
Having tasted the real thing, how can I ever go back to that sweet, icky
stuff again?  Why do people add SUGAR, of all things?  It's even worse than
adding it to coffee!

I have some rather terrible Nestle cooking chocolate, traded from America
for about a kilo of (chocolate) truffles, does anyone out there know of
anything better? I noticed that Mohotta was selling mexican chocolate,
what's this like?
