[CH] Tofu

Doug Irvine (dirvin@bc.sympatico.ca)
Sun, 07 Mar 1999 10:13:16 -0800

Here is a hot and sour tofu that I am doing today from a recipe that I
modified to make it a lot hotter...this is not a soup, but a dish that
can be served over rice(Thai, of course) or noodles. Also I have
included a Spinach & Tofu soup, so let the fun begin!
Hot & Sour Tofu
1    block(1lb)tofu, medium firm, weighted to remove some of the water
3    tbls peanut oil
1    leak, white only, retain tender green part for garnish
1    hab chopped very fine(use gloves, or suffer!)
3    cloves of garlic, smashed, then minced
1    tbls chopped green ginger
1    tbls Chinese or Thai hot chile paste
2    tbls dark soy sauce
2    tbls good balsamic vinegar

After the tofu has drained under a weight(I use a brick)cut it into one
inch cubes. Heat the peanut oil in a wok and stir fry the tofu until it
is browned, then remove and keep warm. Add the garlic, hab, ginger and
the leek, cut into slices, and stir fry until fragrant, add the chile
paste, soy sauce & vinegar and the retained tofu, and cook for about two
minutes...if this is too thin, mix one tbls cornstarch with two tbls
water and add slowly until the consistency suits you...finish with
chopped leek greens and perhaps a dash of sesame oil, then serve, either
over rice or noodles, or beside it, whichever.

Tofu Chile & Greens soup
1    block of soft tofu
6    cups of chicken or vegetable stock, home made is the best
2    cups of well washed spinach, chopped into shreds
1    habanero chopped fine
1    garlic clove, smashed and minced
4    slices of ginger, sliced into shreds
1    tbls light soy sauce
2    green onions, chopped for garnish
Calvin's and sesame oil to taste

Simmer stock, hab, garlic and ginger  for about five minutes, then add
the tofu, diced up, and simmer for another five minutes, throw in the
spinach and the green onions, taste for seasoning, add Calvin's and salt
, if needed, then a dash of sesame oil in each bowl just before
serving...if not hot enough, add more Calvin's or another habanero the
next time, but I think that it will be quite hot enough and still have
the other flavors coming through. Enjoy it, this is a great soup, a
departure from my usual hot & sour soup . Cheers, Doug in BC