Re: [CH] Recipes

Rain (
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 05:18:00 GMT

DE>> every recipe they post in cooking areas.  They can't all afford to, for
DE>> one thing. :)
DE>So I should be the Guinea pig and spend the money instead???
That's your choice...but should the preferences of those who don't
want untested recipes narrow the range of choice for the rest of us?
I can see tagging them as tested or not, since it's such an issue for
some folks here.  I can't see insisting we not post untested ones at
DE>And a lot fewer bad or mediocre ones posted too.  The good recipes have
DE>been tested.  A good cook has a lot of pride in what they post.
How do you know everyone here's a good cook, or cooks in a style you'd
like?  Just because someone on this list liked it is no guarantee
I will. :)
 þ OLX 2.1 TD þ What this country needs is a good five-cent nickel