[CH] Re: Banana, was Hot Stuff Trivia

Deb deForest (deforest@selec.net)
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 16:23:11 -0500

I bow to your supreme knowledge, Jim the Original!  You must have paid
attention during the first aid &/or paramedic courses cause this does
sound very plausible whether it is true or not (I'd always thought it
was a combo of the K+ and sugar that somehow did it; this just might
'splain it, Lucy).  

Glad to hear that someone else agrees with me.  As I mentioned the
portability is so much better than the alternatives (drippy Haagen-Dazs
can be a little messy).  I like to cool between tastes when I'm testing
stuff.  That way I can tell what did what that I've tried so I'm not
disappointed when I get home.  I hate it when something I thought was
really hot turns out to be only mediocre and what I originally tasted
was just a confusing (albeit pleasant) afterburn from the prior product.

Tangent thought: I just got an image of folks sitting 'round a table
swirling wine tasting glasses filled with various hot sauces, tasting,
slurping, spitting in little sterling buckets and then taking a bite of
banana to cleanse their palates before trying the next glass. Sounds
like sure fun for a Hot Luck to me -- except we can leave out the
spittoons there.

Bananas have also saved a few folks who bit off more than they could
chew a time or two at my house.  Deb in Houston

Jim Campbell wrote:

> One of my firefighters swears by this as well.  We can even make it
> sound plausible (snip)