Re: [CH] Infused and Enthused Extra Virgin

VoodooChile (
Thu, 06 May 1999 18:43:33 -0500

'Twas Writ:
>George and Fellow ChD's,
>Don't expect me to go isotopicking  down the the biosynthetic technique 
>pathways for the authentication of extra-virgin olive oil.  I lead a simpler 
>Mediterranean Diet (p. 459  paraphrased)

<snippeth some good info>

>Heart health note: Best of all, however, in the Seven Countries Study of men 
>on the island of Crete, they were getting 40% of their daily calories from 
>fat, but the fat was predominantly olive oil.  Their mortality rates from 
>coronary artery disease and stroke were among the lowest in the world.

I contest Sir Gareth not one fig, but i must say thus: those fine folks in
Crete whom were studied and consumed all this olive oil *also* led very
vigorous peasant lifestyles, i.e. they burned an average of 3500 kcal /
day.  For those who are not familiar with such, that is a *very* active
lifestyle, as that is a huge number of kcal to be burning each day.  I
daresay few of us burn anywhere near that kind of energy on a daily basis.
I didn't say 'consume it', I said burn it <g>.  So, my point? Don't think
olive oil is okay to pig out on 'cause you will literally pig out.  Fat is

BUT it is *good* fat, hence Monk Rael indeed do say: olive oil be good
lube, mon.  Substitute it for other forms of fat.  Use it to fry/saute
foods.  Brush your bread with it (flavored oils...garlic, thyme, mmmmmm
goooood stuff, mon...).  Play Twister with it (yum!).  And personally, i
think a piece of good French, or any, bread with a nice roasted red
pepper/chile "pesto" is grand indeed...I could live off of roasted peppers,
bread, olive oil, and Twister...oh yeah, if one wants to make a good oil,
just simmer the olive oil with whole cloves of garlic and, if you desire
(you'd be crazy not to, imo) some chiles...simmer it for a good hour
minimum KEEPING AN EYE ON THE OIL AT ALL TIMES (i say that for obvious
reasons: oil and/or ignites), or longer.  You'll have a
wonderful garlic-chile oil that will keep for a good couple of months...but
i doubt you'll have it that long.  And you can still eat/use the
garlic...unfortunately, the chiles tend to burn, but hey go for it! Eat em
up yum...

Btw, those peasants also ate very little meat, and mucho veggies, fruits,
and grains...not a purely vegetarian diet at all, but much closer to such
than the average American...if nothing else, the "Meditteranean Diet" makes
ya think about It All, methinks...

But we're chileheads, ja?  Far, far, far from average anything...we are The
Enlightened Ones.  Nuff said...

Now let's all get nekkid in a pile...

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......


Mississippi Redneck Cook on Sabbatical
Monk of the TCS
Order of Immaculate Twister
Keeper of the Faith
and a Towel...
Cave Canem