Re: [CH] watch out for those bottles! PM: only a bit on topic!!

Randy (
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 07:57:51 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Judy,

I thought I'd fill you in on a medical experiment I devised.  Suzanne
gave me a chunk of "The Bread" that she made.  It was great!

I thought "Wow, why limit such a wonderful thing to just eating" So...
I get this idea to get a piece of gauze type band-aide and the tape
used to hold it to the skin.  You then slightly dampen a piece of the
bread and use these items to hold it against any afflicted areas.

It should disperse over a period of time similar to the medical patches.

Oh well,just a thought!

rr wrote:

(some snippage)
> Judy,  rubbing salsa over the back of  her leg and using homemade
tortillas as
> edible towels.
> Judy

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