Re: [CH] The Bread

=Mark (
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 10:41:35 -0400

At 07:08 AM 7/17/98 -0700, Randy wrote:
>Hi Andrew,
>I am at this moment enjoying a hefty slice of "The Bread" with my
>cheese grits and eggs.  What a delightful way to start the day!
>I would recommend asking Suzanne how she made hers.
>She brought a loaf to our gathering in Atlanta and it was very good. 
>It was my first experience with "The Bread".  If Jim's is hotter, as
>Suzanne says, then I need a little more training before tackling his. 
>Suzanne's version was quite potent! 

The hottest versions of Jims bread I've sampled could only be eaten in
pieces about the size of half a sugar cube.  Even this size would
immobilize you for about 5 minutes and render you unable to taste anything
for about 20 minutes.  I would have to think a "hefty slice" would pretty
much be fatal.

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

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