[CH] Spelling usage

Mon, 24 Aug 98 08:29:12

Sam Said

Date: Sun, 23 Aug 98 08:55:18 +0100
From: "Sam" <sam.t@virgin.net>
Subject: [CH] Hominy & disillusion & language

[snip happens]

Spelling of chilli, chile, chili? Rest of the English-speaking world?!!
This subject has been aired (vigorously!) before, so suffice it to say
here that it is one of the joys of language that it suits the user in the
user's environment. It should not dictate. And if I've made a mistake with
my pencil I'll use a rubber to put it right :==)))

Hi Sam,

Like so many other we have appropriated/stolen/borrowed from other tounges, 
the word in question is spelled in many ways.  the conventions I am 
familiar with here in California are:

1)   "chile" refers to the plant, the pod or their direct by-products.
2)   "chili" refers to a stew type dish either with or without beans using 
     "chile"s in a dry or powdered form as seasoning.
3)   "chilli" is what you are when you step out of the shower into a draft.

Happy to add to the confusion.

Eat hot.
Think hot.
Love Hot.
