[CH] Bountiful harvests

Douglas Law (dlaw@hooked.net)
Fri, 04 Sep 1998 07:37:10 -0700

Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 03:32:00 -0500 
From: "Parkhurst, Scott Contractor" <PARKHURS@LEAV-EMH1.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: [CH] RE:  Ragin' Cayennes

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Twas writ
>Well, the long, hot, dry weather of the Northeast has blessed me with a
>crop of tongue-torturing cayennes.

My cayennes are the same way, here in the Kansas City area.  The habs are
plenty hot and going nuts again, second crop coming on way stronger than the
first.  Even the anchos (6 feet tall) have more heat than expected.  Praise
be to El Grande!

I can only hope the harvest here in California is as good comercially.  of
the 4 plants in my garden currently, only the thai dragons are bearing any
fruit.  This however has a loverly hot hit.  I chopped up one (1) and snuck
it onto a fresh pizza and wound up with most of it for myself, being the one
true believer in the household.

Does anybody have a clue what the local (SF Bay area) commercial chile crop
is doing?  I haven't seen anything beyond anaheim at the local farmers markets.

eat hot
think hot
love hot


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