[CH] Thomas Family Winery Fiery Food Event

Rockin' Randy (ledbelly99@yahoo.com)
Sun, 16 Apr 2000 09:09:51 -0700 (PDT)

If I win the wrestling match with my scanner I'll create a link
to some Hotluck photos but for now I'll give my rundown:

I was pleased to finally meet Jim, Henning, Alex, Tom, Rob,
others and their loved ones.  It felt like old friends getting
together for a reunion!  The atmosphere at the Thomas's was that
of one big happy family.  Madison was a fine town to be admired
with some great architecture and many beautiful views.

All the dishes were great Friday night and Steve's smoker was
putting out some gourmet smoked delights. 

The most amazing thing to me Friday was Alex demonstrating
"Underwater Hibachi Grilling"  It was amazing and he didn't use
breathing apparatus!  He'll have to explain any other details.  

Mrs. Campbell showed up with The Bread and some great Black Bean
soup.  We closed 'em down about 1:30 a.m. after some wine
tasting, guitar and violin playing by one of the Thomas's
friends, and not to mention Steve's percussion playing.

Saturday was more of the same fun.  I was mystified to see
someone eat a chunk of The Bread without batting an eye!  Jim
then discovered someone had cut pieces from the regular pumpkin
bread and tossed it on The Bread plate - you can imagine the
contrast after getting to taste the real thing.  There were many
great products there for stocking up on supplies.

The music was excellent with many different musicians playing
and more wine tasting, O.k. it was a little more than a taste!

Sunday, Abby and Jim showed Henning and I the beautiful city of
Indianapolis complete with a birds-eye view from a spinning
resturaunt atop a skyscraper.  I was sent back with a great Care
Package from Jim.  

All in all, the trip was a serious dose of "Hoosier Hospitality"
- I did not want to leave!  I'll be certain to attend future
events there and it would be great to see more of the "faces
behind the e-mails".

Be sure to check the upcoming link and see the Monkey Attack

Sorry to be slow with this but I've had this pesky thing called


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