Re: [CH] Squirrels and lead

tucker (
Thu, 06 Jul 2000 21:42:39 -0500

byron bromley wrote:

> Please recall a CH from OZ that used a shotgun to get rid of feral dogs
> ~similar critter~
> If I recall correctly he took out a couple chile plants and part of a fence.
> Using small cal. like .177 or .22 you might save some plants.
> Byron

  Cheaper Than Dirt (  ) sells "Remington .22 Subsonic"
ammo. It claims to be far quieter than a standard cartridge for all you
city-bound types. Says it's "slightly louder than a pellet gun, slower than the
speed of sound, but still fast enough to function in auto rifles". $16.97 for a
brick of 500. Better get 'em now before uncle Billy / Al decide it must be some
sort of stealth / assault technology.

C-H # 2099 and closet right wing extremist.