RE: [CH] After all the talk about slugs...

Mary & Riley (
Tue, 05 Sep 2000 17:29:33 -0700

> does anyone here actually *eat* escargot?
> Cathy (who once wanted to, but now never will)

Actually, it's quite good.  I have to watch my butter intake so haven't had
any lately, and haven't felt like harvesting the local ones myself.  Haven't
feed 'em corn meal for someting like 6 weeks first.  Cleans 'em out.  Bet
they'd be great sauteed in some wine with chiles, onions and garlic.
Similar to clams, but not fishy.

Don't know where you hale from, but the Calif Garden Snail is also the
common European Brown snail (iirc--and that's not a given).  An escargot fan
of French origin imported them into California c.1850 to guarantee his
supply.  Gee thanks!  Beat the hell outta slugs, tho, if you ask me.
