Re: [CH] Pepper oil
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 20:42:13 EDT

In a message dated 09/26/00 2:50:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Sorry if this thread ended weeks ago--my home firewall is censoring my
 outgoing mail. >>

It ended years ago.  I promised myself to choke the roots of all botulism 
plantings (postings) after Cameron and others warned me that even though the 
number of cases involving food is negligible, this list can go on for months 
with the botch threads.  I didn't listen and behold, there are more list 
members who have strangled themselves rather than read another post on it 
than total deaths from the illness.
Hence, I sing the botulism song every time the needle finds that thread:
Botch-u-lee, botch-u-la, botch-u-la
Botch-u-la-la-la-la-la-la, etc. ad nauseum