[CH] email viruses and Cholula (no connection!)

George A. Starkey (gas@kdac.com)
Wed, 10 Jan 2001 13:14:47 -0500

Greetings, friends,
   I recently received an email with nothing in it but an .exe attachment, that was named   IKKLJBIK.exe   .   There was no return address, no tracking info, nothing at all.  I looked on the Symantec and some other anti-virus sites, but nothing came up.  I deleted it immediately upon receiving the email, so no harm apparently was done.  I think I've come up with a new way to test a chile for heat level: find one of these virus creators and liberally apply it to their "nether regions".  
    About Cholula, yes, it is a wonderful sauce to find in a restaurant.  I've put it on everything from pizza to collard greens to eggs.. the list is constantly growing.  There is a little Mexican chain restaurant here in Indianapolis that has a huge bottle of it behind the counter--at least a gallon, maybe 5 liters. 
   There is another brand I recently came across, called La Valentina. Very nice flavor, medium hotness. My friend Joe uses it when frying chicken-- dip raw chicken in La Valentina, dredge in flour to coat.  Pan fry as usual. I can only usually eat 6 or 7 pieces before he stops me... :^)

Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 14:50:13 +0100
From: "Emile & Dewi" <e.steenbrink@worldonline.nl>
Subject: [CH] attack

Hi Podarinos,

After being off-line for a few days I'm back. We were attacked by a
malicious e-mail virus. Thankfully we got a good virus killer from someone
so we could track the virus down and remove it. It was a bad worm and it
'wormed' its way into our PC through an e-mail, but we couldn't track it
down anymore. So if anyone receives a suspicious looking e-mail with an .exe
and the sender is not known...delete immediately. At least we think it came
in that way.
Tried a sauce last weekend called Cholula. Bottle is now empty. It was good.
Not extremely hot, but extremely tasty. Very tomatoy or whatever. I remember
in the movie about the life of Selena that her then boyfriend and her were
sitting eating pizza and he was wearing a sauce holster ( very cool!) and he
generously used it on his pizza and when he took a bite he looked like he
almost couldn't take it. Funny. Anyway, I thought it to be a nice sauce.

Well, that's all folks!

Miss Dewi