Re: [CH] Hab

Chris Meredith (
Tue, 08 May 2001 20:22:24 -0700

Doesn't matter how you got here the fact that you are here is all that 
matters :-)

I have had to do this after my Siamese cats decided they wanted to nibble 
on all my plants
right after they hardened up ... bad kitties


At 08:19 PM 5/8/2001 -0400, wrote:

><< Now I
>know that many of you have been working hard to raise seedlings, and I feel
>somehow like I'm cheating, but I DON'T CARE I HAVE MY HAB heh heh heh.>>
>Well Alex,
>I did the same and then at our Farmer's market in Danvile I spot lovely
>double and triple Chile plants in 1 gal. size.  Yep, bought a trio Hab 8"
>tall, a tripe serrano 14", and a triple Jalapeņo 16" tall.  $2 each!
>Guy raises plants on the side for fun-tomatoes, chiles, hanging floral
>baskets.  Real business, huge greenhouse grower of tomatoes in Lodi.  LOL Hey
>this works for me.
>Mary-Anne, Moderator
>San Francisco Bay Area
>25 miles East of SF
>USDA Zone 9b
>Sunset Zone 14/15
>"Who plants the seed beneath the sod, and waits to see, believes in God."