[CH] Pretty cool!

tucker (tucker@ticon.net)
Sun, 20 May 2001 16:23:19 -0500

  Was a little disappointed for a short time yesterday, but I got
better...  We were at a cat show, and I noticed that some of the ribbons
had a Southwestern theme to the fabric; little chiles, etc.  Didn't
think we'd be getting any of those, and we didn't.  But we did wind up
getting one that had a little plastic Serrano glued to the rosette
part.  Pretty cool, eh.  Wish I had a D-camera, and a web site to post a

  Got one at a St. Patty's day show years ago that has a little plastic
mug of nice black beer glued to it.

C-H # 2099
Silver Glen American Shorthairs