Re: [CH] cat-shooters

Uncle_Dirty_Dave (
Sun, 03 Jun 2001 10:55:14 -0500

Luke Speer wrote:
> Cats in the open are considered Feral animals, there have been moves mooted
> to Register the little suckers .
> But the Cat huggers have slowed the momentum ..
> We have had lots of problems with Cats killing our native wildlife
> (small Marsupials).( Native Birds etc....
> I have shot any I find in the bush using .22 cal to .8mm and 12 g and any calibre firearm in-between
> FWIW I fed a cat for 15 yrs and was sad when she passed away/ I have a dog now and have 
> certain ammount of control over his nocturnal wanderings, which is more than I ever had with the
> cat..
> I would imagine that (domestic) cats are not actually native to north America and could be
> considered feral there as well?
> Anyway I don't think that any ammount of Chile Sauce could make them taste good.. !

Actually they taste a lot like rabbit. In Illinois rabbit offered for
sale must have the hind hoofs attached -- so that the carcass can be
differentiated from that of a cat without going into the differences in
the scapula.

And they are quite tasty with a chile-based rub/marinade and put on the
ferris wheel over  a flame for an hour or so.
Home of Yaaaaa Hooooo Aaahhh!!! HOT SAUCE and Hardin Cider