Re: [CH] Cats can be quite beneficial.

Linda Reynolds (
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 14:30:40 -0400

Well, I couldn't stay out of this!  I don't care for cats in general 
so I probably wouldn't like the way they taste either!  Why, do you 
ask?  Well, we had a friend that had an indoor cat and when my 
husband and I stayed overnight it would bite our toes through the 
blankets. Guess who soared across the room?!!  It was in a basement 
apartment and it would sit in the window above the side of the toilet 
and leap down on you when you least expected it. Talk about adding 
misery to ring of fire!
It would also climb all over the counters and jump in the fridge when 
you opened it.....Yiiickk! BUT, just because I don't like them 
doesn't mean that I would go out of my way to hurt one.  I wouldn't 
take dog jokes seriously even tho' I had dog that I love disappear 
and could have been killed by someone.

Talk about some big ass cats, our local DEC here in Upstate NY have 
started stocking panthers and bobcats, and gray wolves to control the 
deer population.  Now I will shoot any of them on site!!! Neighbor 
got one of the wolves.  Killed several calves down the road.  Not 
going to let them get either of my kids!

Additionally, has anyone seen those cats in a burlap sack that you 
turn on and it shakes and screeches?  It also has a woman asking her 
husband if he has seen the cat as you hear a muffled, drowning/toilet 
flushing and a few other choice things.

ON TOPIC:  Oh, and I got most of my garden planted.  Has anyone else 
found it hard to get Portuguese pepper plants?  My father in law 
likes them and he has to get seed or mailorder plants.  Is it just NY 

(PS.....I am also wearing a leopard print slinky there 
is a cat skin!)